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AFN-ZV (ex AT-501) Final (Graduation) Examination (Szakzáróvizsga)

This examination is intended to evaluate candidates in a holistic way as "fully-fledged professionals", and to mark in a ceremonial way their individual achievements.

It is an oral examination by a committee of at least three, during which the candidate is required to perform the following at a level that is appropriate to properly trained professional teachers:

- reflect upon his/her teaching experience;

- "defend" his/her thesis;

- respond to questions on methodology/applied linguistics which are triggered by the discussion of teaching and thesis;

- demonstrate proficiency in English.

Candidates taking the "State Exam" will already have obtained their abszolutórium: in other words they will have fulfilled all the requirements of a programme designed to train qualified teachers. The exam will therefore take the form of a more or less informal conversation with fellow-professionals. Formal tételek are not normally used, but candidates can expect to be asked to discuss the following prescribed topics.

1. Candidate's B.Ed. Thesis

Candidates may be asked to describe and explain the research project on which their B.Ed. Thesis is based, bearing in mind the fact that at least some of the examiners will not have read the thesis itself. They may be asked about their background reading, about the topic of their research and about their conclusions. They may also be asked to discuss their data collection and analysis procedures.

2. Candidate's Teaching Experience

3. ELT Methodology

4. Applied Linguistics

The above three components of the State Exam are closely connected and are likely to be examined together. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate a wide and mature understanding of the EFL teaching profession. They may be asked to describe and discuss their own classroom experiences with reference both to practical teaching methods (ELT Methodology) and to the theoretical considerations underlying those methods (Applied Linguistics). They may also be invited to reflect on long-term teaching issues such as group dynamics and other affective/attitudinal factors.

5. Language: Accuracy and Awareness

During the Exam candidates will be expected to demonstrate the high standard of proficiency in English which is appropriate to properly trained professional teachers. They may also be asked to discuss the pedagogical implications of certain features of the language.

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